品牌在 2018 年推出青花手繪作品系列「大稻埕犬家福」,十個主角皆是大稻埕厝邊與巷弄中的日常風景小友,寓意十全十美。
Sedai-blue comes from a unique cobalt glaze, characterized by a refined blue hue with subtle gray-green undertones—elegant, clear, and gently lustrous. The brand's creations are primarily designed around this distinctive cobalt glaze.
Shidai Ceramics adopted this special cobalt glaze as the inspiration for its name, launching a series of cobalt-glazed products under the Sedai-blue brand.
In 2018, the Year of the Dog, the brand introduced its first cobalt-glaze collection, "Dadaocheng Canine Blessings." The ten featured characters represent everyday scenes in the alleys and neighborhoods of Dadaocheng, along with beloved pet dogs from the community of Minyi-Cheng artisans. Each piece was meticulously hand-painted by artisans, capturing the adorable and charming essence of Dadaocheng's dogs.